Is Your Pool Ready for Monsoon Season?

For anyone that’s never experienced a Southwest monsoon, it’s truly a sight to behold: dramatic dark thunderheads, lightning arcing across the sky, and a wall of dust that wouldn’t be out of place in the Sahara.  While they might be powerful and beautiful to watch, they can wreak havoc on your pool in some of the best swimming months of the year.

Here’s 5 easy tips from our certified techs to help get your pool is back in top form ASAP:

1. Make sure your pool is ON before the storm (or as soon after as possible).  Having your pump, vacuum and filtration working, will help your pool power through the dirt that’s about to be dumped into your sparkling oasis.

2. Empty the skimmer basket as soon as possible after the storm.  Depending on how much debris the storm has created, it’s possible your skimmer basked will be full and that means it won’t be able to do it’s job- filtering out the big stuff that gets blown into your water.

3. Check your vacuum after the storm to make sure it’s working.  If your pump is on but your vacuum isn’t moving or is struggling, it may have a clog.  Turn it off and pull it up to see if something is blocking it.  This seems so simple, but it happens more than you think.

4. Rake the pool surface for any debris.  The faster you can do a quick skim the pool after the storm, the less heavy debris your vacuum and skimmer have to deal with.  It’s also generally easier the sooner you do it before leaves and other debris can break up make it harder to clean.

5. Use dry or liquid shock.  Heavy rain and dirt can destroy your pool’s careful water balance.  After a particularly bad storm, feel free to shock your pool if you have some available and are comfortable using it.

Even if you have an amazing pool service (like Aquaman for instance) that do follow-up visits after a storm, your pool tech will love you if you can do any of the steps above.  It’s a win-win. Not only will help keep your pool stay cleaner, it will also help protect all your pool systems.

Now you know you to deal with the worst that Arizona can throw at your pool, make sure to take a moment at least once this year to sit back on the patio and enjoy one of nature’s most spectacular summer shows.

Thinking about upgrading to a PROACTIVE pool service?  If your current pool guy thinks a monsoon is a UK pop trio from the 80’s, check out our best offer of the year below. 

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